Why You Need a Pay Per Head Partner?

Pay Per Head Partner

A widespread question among bookies who are starting their betting business is, Why do I need a Pay Per Head Partner?

These bookies do not know the benefits and advantages of having a good Pay Per Head provider.

Moreover, these bookies believe that they can do everything themselves. And that they do not require the services of a Pay Per Head provider to create their betting business.

But the truth is that without a good Pay Per Head provider, the odds of being successful in the gambling industry are very low.


Pay Per Head companies have a vast and robust infrastructure composed of all the products and services necessary to run a gambling business.

A bookie would need a couple of years and hundreds of employees to create an infrastructure like the one provided by Pay Per Head companies.

For example, if a bookie wanted to develop his own betting software, he would need an army of developers and programmers working for at least a year and a half to have a relatively decent product.

The Pay Per Head companies have invested years of work and effort in creating their betting software. Moreover, Pay Per Head companies are continually updating and improving their betting software to meet market demands.


In addition to requiring a lot of time and hundreds of people. Creating the same infrastructure that a Pay Per Head company has cost a lot of money.

Millions of dollars are required to create products such as a live casino with a staff of dealers, high-definition cameras, live transmission systems, and high-speed internet connections.

Unless the bookie has deep pockets. It is almost impossible to match the quality of the products and services of a Pay Per Head company.

A Strategic Ally

Pay Per Head companies like VIP Per Head is more than just a service provider. These companies are strategic allies that allow bookies to be successful.

Pay Per Head companies ensures that bookies have the best in betting software and hardware.

Moreover, Pay Per Head companies strive for bookies to establish a profitable betting business. For this reason, they invest large amounts of resources in creating the best betting products.

To be successful in the gambling industry, you need a good Pay Per Head provider.

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